Ontario's Forest Management Guides for Landscapes
Ontario's Landscape Tool and Science and Information Packages

Supporting Documents and Tools

This page provides users with access to Science and Information Packages and the current version of Ontario's Landscape Tool (OLT 2021).

OLT is an analysis application required to be used for assessing and forecasting landscapes when applying both the Forest Management Guide for Boreal Landscapes (download link) and the Forest Management Guide for Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Landscapes (download link). The Science and Information Packages (available at bottom of this page) provide the background and rationale including descriptions of simulation techniques, methods and results used to estimate simulated ranges of natural variation (SRNV) within each forest management unit (FMU), wildlife management unit (WMU), Eco-district, Landscape Guide Region and the 7 southern Caribou Ranges.

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Guides de gestion forestière de l'Ontario pour les paysages
L'outil de paysage de l'Ontario et les documents de science et d'information

Documents de soutien et outils

Cette page fournit aux utilisateurs un accès aux documents de science et d'information et à l'outil de paysage de l'Ontario 2021 (OLT 2021).

OLT 2021 est une application d'analyse qui doit être utilisée pour évaluer et prévoir les paysages lors de l'application du Guide de gestion forestière pour les paysages boréaux (lien de téléchargement) et du Guide de gestion forestière pour les paysages des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent Landscapes (lien de téléchargement). La documentation de science et d'information (disponile ce-dessous) procure des informations de base et expliquent notamment les techniques de simulation, les méthodes et les résultats utilisés pour estimer les gammes simulées de variation naturelle (SRNV) dans chaque unité de gestion forestière, unité de gestion de la faune, écodistrict, région de guide paysager et aire de caribou.

En raison de la nature technique du OLT 2021 et les documents de science et d'information, les versions françaises ne sont pas disponibles. Veuillez rejoindre (jennifer.nielsen@ontario.ca) si vous avez besoin d'aide pour la traduction.

Nous nous engageons à fournir un service à la clientèle facile d'accès. Si vous avez besoin d'un autre format facile d'accès de ce contenu, veuillez contacter (jennifer.nielsen@ontario.ca).

Landscape Guides Milestones

Validating and Revising Milestone Technical Note and Milestone Repository

Posted December 31, 2020 - Validating and Revising Milestone Technical Note and Milestone Repository (PDF) (download link). This technical note and accompanying repository describes techniques to both review milestones and revise them if necessary.

Ontario's Landscape Tool 2021

Posted November 23, 2021 - Version 2021 - Build 3.5.730x

This version of Ontario's Landscape Tool is based on the version posted January 01, 2021, and includes the Landscape Capability for Moose Model.

OLT2021MooseModel ( ZIP) (download link)

Ontario's Landscape Tool Manual has not been revised - however, an addendum to the manual that describes the new revised science based model is available for download.

Landscape Moose Capability Model Fall 2021 (PDF) (download link)

Posted January 01, 2021 - Version 2021 - Build 3.5.730x

This version of OLT contains the moose models referenced in the Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales (2010). See the version posted November 23, 2021 to access the Landscape Capability for Moose Model.

No significant revisions to OLT were made between 2020 and 2022.

Ontario's Landscape Tool 2021 (ZIP) (download link)

Installation and other tips

Prior to installing OLT 2021 - save existing scenarios by exporting them (e.g. Scenarios Tab - Export Scenario). You then should be able to Import the exported scenarios into OLT 2021 without having to rebuild.

In some cases when first starting OLT - Windows will place a copy of the main OLT databases named "olt.mdb" and "scenarios.mdb" into a Windows Virtual store folder. OLT will continue to access and use these databases until they are manually removed or renamed. In other words, if you uninstall an older version of OLT and install a new - OLT 2021 version and your Windows system previously had been using the Virtual store - the new OLT 2021 version will continue to use the old databases and you will experience errors. You must manually navigate to the Virtual store using Windows explorer and rename (recommended) or remove the older databases.

Here is where the OLT files within the virtual store are located: "C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME_HERE\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramDATA\OLTDATA|OLT".

OLT uses and places working files in the Windows "programdata" folder - specifically "C:\ProgramData\OltData". Many users are unable to find the programdata folder. This is because Windows is set to hide various files and folders. If you are unable to view the "programdata" folder in Windows explorer follow these steps: open Windows explorer, then click on the View tab at the top of the page and next within the Show/Hide box (on the right) ensure "Hidden Items" is checked.

Database, script and lookup table updates

History of past database, script and lookup table updates

Posted November 25, 2019: Several changes were made to the Northeast Region forest unit query. Users that have used earlier versions should be aware that this new version has subtle differences and that comparisons to previous versions (forest unit classifications) may have small differences. See Northeast Region representatives for explanation and rationale of forest unit classification changes. Several pattern/chart and caribou SRNVs have been updated/fixed for the Northwest Region. As always several other small errors were fixed.

Posted October 11, 2019: There were several management units that had both crown and private land included in the SRNV for caribou habitat. This has been changed to include crown only. Several other small errors were fixed.

Posted September 11, 2019: An error was found in the Nipigon forest - Old Growth and Nipigon North Caribou Suitable habitat. These errors have been fixed.

Posted September 10, 2019: An error was found in the Northeast landscape class SQL age classifications for immature and mature SF1 and BW1. This error has been fixed.

Posted July 24, 2019: Northwest Region - Landscape Class script and lookup table revised to include Upland Cedar (UPLCE).

Posted April 2019: An error was found in the Kenogami forest management unit caribou habitat SRNVs. This has been fixed.

Posted March 13, 2019: An error was found when using the "Model eFRI" import type on Northwest Region inventories. The last two lines of the query were turned off - specifically the Hardwood Mixed and Conifer Mixed.

Note: Backup existing scenarios using the export scenarios routine prior to installing new databases. Once you've downloaded a new database replace your current database with the one you've downloaded. The OLT database is found in the "C:\ProgramData\OltData\OLT" folder. In some cases Windows places a working database in the virtual store. If this is the case you must also rename or remove that database.

Science and Information Packages

Note: The links to embedded files within these documents are best accessed from a downloaded copy. They are not recognized when viewed in a browser.

Science and Information Package Great Lakes-St. Lawrence (PDF) (download link). This package is inclusive and contains simulation rationale, inputs and results.

Science and Information Package Boreal (PDF) (download link) This package contains simulation rationale and inputs.

Simulation result packages

Science and Information Package B - 3W (PDF) (download link).

Science and Information Package B - 3S4S (PDF) (download link).

Science and Information Package B - 3E (PDF) (download link).

Science and Information Package B - 4W (PDF) (download link).

Science and Information Package Caribou (PDF) (download link).